Build Your Own Car Rental Business with Loopit

Leveraged Turo to turn your cars into a cash machine and ready to take the next step? Loopit empowers Turo hosts to break free from high commissions and build a thriving, independent car rental business.

Grow your business beyond Turo. Loopit's all-in-one software automates booking, payments, and vehicle management. Focus on growth while Loopit handles the daily operations.

Essential Tools for Independent Success

Migrate Seamlessly to Your Own Car Rental Business

Loopfit provides a seamless transition for Turo hosts who are ready to establish their own independent car rental enterprise. With our suite of tailored tools and support, you can confidently migrate your operations in less than a day and start driving your own success. Our platform handles the logistical details, allowing you to focus on expanding your business on your terms and building long-term customer relationships.

Streamlined Setup

We handle the administrative tasks to get your business up and running quickly.

Optimized Operations

Manage bookings, pricing, and scheduling efficiently through our intuitive system.

Digital Bookings

Easily share your ready-built microsite on social media and other channels to capture new leads.

Secure Onboarding

Onboard customers securely and seamlessly with our verification process.

Deliver the Car Rental Experience Modern Customers Expect

Loopit is the next-gen car rental solution designed to propel your business beyond traditional limitations. We recognize the unique challenges faced by car rental providers. That's why Loopit isn't just an upgrade - it's a completely reimagined platform built specifically for your needs.

100% Paperless Car Rental Booking

Eradicate paperwork and win time with our state-of-the-art, frictionless onboarding. Keep clients smiling from the start.

Next-Level Omnichannel Booking

Embrace diverse channels through our seamless booking system, unlocking peak fleet utilization and revenue generation.

Adaptive Fleet Pricing

Ride market waves with fully customizable pricing, ensuring resilience, profit maximization, and a competitive edge.

Precision Billing & Invoicing

Streamline finances with pinpoint accuracy and simplicity from our system, creating smooth experiences for all.

Get Your Keys to Success with Loopit

We helped pioneer car subscription software for industry leaders, and we're leveraging this knowledge to disrupt traditional car rental software with a solution that's built for the 21st century.

Streamline operations with a unified management system

No more juggling various tools and platforms. Loopit brings everything together with a unified management system, making everything from booking to billing smooth and straightforward.

Maximize fleet usage and improve asset turnover

Get the most out of your assets. Loopit's intelligent technology boosts asset turnover by optimizing fleet usage to meet demand, eliminating unprofitable idle time.

Gain real-time visibility into performance

Stay in the know. With Loopit, you have real-time insights into your business performance, giving you the power to make data-driven decisions quickly and confidently.

Integrate seamlessly with your existing tools and data

Loopit plays well with others. You can easily integrate with your existing tools and data, ensuring smooth transition and no interruption to your operations.