Meet the demand for adaptable business fleets

FlexFleet by Loopit is a fleet billing and management software solution enabling automotive businesses to provide adaptable rental, vehicle subscription, and short-term leasing services to enterprise clients.

What is FlexFleet?

FlexFleet is a suite of features available on Loopit that enables you meet customer demand for agile, usage-based fleet solutions.

Meet Customer Demand for Adaptive Fleets

Meet Demand for Adaptable Solutions

Satisfy the increasing customer appetite for flexible fleet options beyond conventional long-term leases. Position yourself as an innovative provider ready to enable the future of agile fleet management.

Increase Revenue Streams

Expand beyond one-time sales and periodic rentals with recurring subscription revenue. Right-size fleets encourage regular adjustments and upsell, while usage-based pricing improves margins. Loopit empowers you to turn fleet management into a profit center.

Lower Risk with Proven Technology

Avoid investing time and resources building and maintaining complex software in-house. Loopit handles the entire backend subscription management infrastructure. Build on Loopit's experience powering innovation for industry leaders.

Optimized Fleets for Evolving Business Needs

Align Your Fleet Dynamically

Eliminate waste and unnecessary spend by configuring your fleet size, composition, and usage to perfectly match operational needs at any given time. Swap models to meet new demands, and add units seamlessly as your business evolves.

Simplify Budgeting and Forecasting

Consolidated billing and transparent per-vehicle pricing makes cost management straightforward. Never pay for more than you use with prorated charges. Plan spending confidently based on clear visibility into subscription changes.

Avoid Long-Term Commitments

Prevent fleet inflexibility and waste without multi-year leases mandating set vehicles. Adapt month-to-month as needs fluctuate. Gain an optimally configured fleet to support growth and new initiatives.

The Scalable, Configurable Fleet Management Solution

FlexFleet enables you to offer short-term rentals and adaptable subscriptions for business customers seeking greater configurability. With Loopit's robust, enterprise-grade platform, you can quickly roll out a white-labeled, fleet-focused subscription service.

Attract business customers seeking flexible fleet management

Meet demand for configurable fleets that can scale up and down with business needs.

Right-size fleets without long-term leases

Enable customers to regularly adjust fleet size and composition without locked-in leases.

Leverage Loopit's proven technology and tools

Launch quickly with Loopit’s robust, enterprise-grade platform. Confidently scale with tools built for industry leaders.

Flexible fleet management, reimagined.

Loopit provides the most adaptable enterprise fleet management solution through our configurable platform. Easily customize fleets to match real-time business demands.

Adaptable Subscription Management
  • Prorated subscription charges based on usage

  • Roll up charges into consolidated invoices

  • Accept both online and off-platform payments

Data-Driven Fleet Optimization
  • Gain insights from usage metrics and trends

  • Identify opportunities to optimize fleet size and mix

  • Confidently forecast demand and growth

Simplified Billing & Payments
  • Customizable billing cycles

  • Net payment terms per business entity

  • Charges consolidated into single monthly invoices

Optimized for Scale
  • Bulk upload vehicles and users through CSV import

  • Streamline large fleet onboarding and offboarding

  • Built to support enterprise-level volume with ease

Big Or Small, Loopit grows with your ambitions

Loopit is the technology between car subscription and your fleet potential.